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So far bmadmin has created 121 blog entries.

Online EWIF Regional Meeting

Online meetings are now the norm during 2020 and lockdowns and there was no exception for the EWIF South meeting for November 2020 which took place over Zoom. Kate Matthews of Boddy Matthews Solicitors chaired the meeting. Despite not being able to get together in person, the meeting was a great success. The wide range of attendees included franchisors, franchisees, franchise consultants, legal advisors and bankers specialising in franchising. All participants offered helpful insights into their own business experiences of the pandemic and provided useful advice for others. We look forward to the next meeting in the New Year 2021!

2021-08-27T17:09:36+01:00Nov, 2020|

Online EWIF South Region Meeting

Boddy Matthews Solicitors will host the online EWIF South Region meeting as part of their ongoing pro bono and Corporate Social Responsibility activities to encourage, inspire and educate women into the franchise sector. As active Chair of the South Region and Ambassador for EWIF, Kate Matthews invites all those interested to participate and support this not for profit organisation.

2021-08-27T17:10:30+01:00Nov, 2020|

BFA Training Seminar

As part of its ongoing training programme online, the BFA held another training seminar for prospective franchisees entering the franchise industry. Kate Matthews specialising in franchise advice of Boddy Matthews Solicitors and a BFA Qualified Franchise Professional provided a stimulating talk on the legal aspects of entering into a Franchise and the likely contractual framework to expect. The BFA Annual Conference 2020 will be online this year on 30 November to 1 December 2020 and should prove an enlightening interactive experience for all attendees.

2021-08-27T17:11:50+01:00Nov, 2020|

Furlough scheme extended to March 2021 – but is all as it seems?

As England entered into a second lockdown, the government abolished the (newly-created) Job Support Scheme and extended the Furlough scheme, until March 2021. 

The extended scheme has many similarities with the scheme first brought into place in March 2020, but a number of features, and possible developments, need to be born in mind.

Key Information on Extended Furlough

  • Under the Extended Furlough scheme the government will pay 80% of a Furloughed employee’s wages (capped at £2,500) for hours not worked. Employers can require employees to do some work, if they Furlough them on a flexible basis and pay their contractual wage for worked hours.  
  • At least until 31 January 2021, employer must pay the national insurance and employer pension contributions per Furloughed employee. From that date, the government may require employers to increase their contributions / payments under the scheme.
  • From 1 December 2020, employers may not bae able to use the Furlough grant to pay part of an employee’s notice pay (statutory or contractual). We await government decision on this point (which we hope will also clarify whether the prohibition is limited to notice pay where notice is given on or after 1 December 2020 only).
  • As the scheme was extended in a rush, employers were given the option of making claims going back to 1 November 2020, provided they reached an agreement with employees by 13 November 2020. Agreement reached after that date will not entitle employers to make backdated claims.
  • Also from December 2020, HMRC will publish the names and details of employers (companies and Limited Liability Partnerships) who have made claims under the scheme for the month of December onwards. This may be designed to deter certain employers from using the Furlough grant.

Steps for employers to consider

  • Due to the changes introduced in the extended scheme, it is advisable to review your Furlough agreement to ensure it provides you with the flexibility you may need as the scheme develops.
  • In some instances, the risk of not having to use the Furlough grant to cover part of an employee’s notice pay, may lead employers to bring forward potential redundancies.
  • Many businesses have learned important lessons from the first lockdown and aim to continue working and trading as much as possible. The option of flexible Furlough should therefore be taken on board, with appropriate and lawful selection and decision-making processes applied to minimise the risk of any claim by affected employees.
2021-08-26T16:42:52+01:00Nov, 2020|

BFA Training Seminar

Kate Matthews participated in the online BFA seminar training to prospective franchise owners with other fellow professionals in the franchise industry. Kate, a BFA Qualified Franchise Professional and a founding partner specialising in franchise advice at Boddy Matthews Solicitors, provided a training seminar on the key aspects and legalities of becoming a franchise owner. The online seminar discussion was well received.

2021-08-27T17:12:42+01:00Oct, 2020|

Winner of the EWIF Ambassador 2020 Award

Boddy Matthews Solicitors heartily congratulate the first ever male winner of the EWIF AMBASSADOR 2020 AWARD category which they were delighted to sponsor. As chair of the EWIF South Region, Kate Matthews is particularly proud to say well done to fellow regional chair Kieran James of Stryde as the winner and to further congratulate Ruth Brown of Home Instead Senior Care and Suzie McCafferty of Platinum Wave as the worthy runner up finalists in the category. What an amazing achievement!

2021-08-27T17:15:48+01:00Oct, 2020|

EWIF Awards 2020 fun part

Kate Matthews and Olivia Canessa Davies of Boddy Matthews Solicitors very much enjoyed the EWIF 2020 Awards ceremony held remotely but with no less success. The photo booth provided a fun outlet for an excellent event celebrating the roles and differences each person has made to the franchise industry in their respective ways. The key note speakers were awesome, as Jenni Dunman, Brandie Deignan and Pip Wilkins all shared their contributions to franchising and inspiring women with their visions for the future of business and franchising.

2021-08-27T17:16:43+01:00Oct, 2020|

EWIF Awards 2020

Boddy Matthews Solicitors were proud to be part of the successful EWIF 2020 Awards celebrating the tremendous achievements in the franchising industry. As sponsors of the new category of EWIF Ambassador of the Year, the recognition of the work carried out by EWIF Ambassadors is something Boddy Matthews Solicitors hold dear. As longstanding active EWIF Ambassadors themselves they strongly support EWIF and its mission and our own Kate Matthews continues to chair the EWIF South Region.

2021-08-27T17:17:32+01:00Oct, 2020|
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