Boddy Matthews’ Employment department is ranked in Band 4.

Boddy Matthews’ Litigation department is ranked in Band 4.

Helen Boddy ranked in Bank 1 (top ranked) for Employment in the South.

Kate Matthews is ranked in Band 2 for Litigation in the South.

Kate Matthews is also ranked Band 3 for Franchising UK-wide

Helen Boddy has been ranked as a Leading Individual in Employment.

Kate Matthews has been ranked as a Leading Individual in Commercial Litigation.

Boddy Matthews Solicitors is ranked in the following categories:

Employment: Kent, Surrey and Sussex – Tier 2

Commercial Litigation: Kent, Surrey and Sussex – Tier 3

Corporate and Commercial: Kent, Surrey and Sussex – Tier 4

Franchising: London – Tier 4

Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority

Members of the Law Society of England and Wales

Affiliates to the British Franchise Association as professional advisors

Members of EWIF: Encouraging Women into Franchising

Members of the Franchising and International Groups of the American Bar Association. 

Kate Matthews is a Qualified Franchise Professional

Helen Boddy is a member of the Employment Lawyers Association

Kate Matthews is recognised by her peers in Who’s Who Legal: Franchise 2020 as a global leader in the field of franchising law