London Marathon in April 2015

Our Trainee Solicitor Harriet Hutchinson will be running the London Marathon in April 2015 for Children with Cancer UK. This fantastic charity was chosen as Harriet’s sister was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in 2006. She battled through to be given the “All Clear” but in doing so developed a bone condition called Avascular Necrosis. She continues to have treatment for this.

Children with Cancer fund research, support families and campaign to raise awareness of childhood cancer. The Charity is also finding new ways to treat cancer which have less toxic, unpleasant and uncertain side effects. It has provided brilliant support for Harriet’s sister and her family throughout.

The Marathon course is a gruelling 26 miles 385 yards long, passing through the streets of London from Blackheath to the famous finish line at The Mall.

2021-08-24T17:03:48+01:00Mar, 2015|

Charity Day

Helen and Kate enjoyed the very active Charity Day in September 2014 held by the British Franchise Association. Quad biking, rage racing and shooting generated a good team spirit whilst raising money for a good charitable cause!

2021-08-24T17:01:35+01:00Sep, 2014|
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