Kate Matthews franchise solicitor and partner of Boddy Matthews Solicitors led an inspired talk in conjunction with EWIF on an introduction to running your own business through Franchising at Karren Brady’s Women in Business & Tech Expo on Wednesday 12 October 2022. Kate Matthews was delighted to chair this event in conjunction with EWIF, Encouraging Women Into Franchising. The eminent panel consisted of Fiona Cresswell Head of Franchise Development of Anytime Fitness, Anne- Marie Martin franchisor and Founder of didi dance, Rajeena Gurung Franchising Recruitment and Reputation Consultant at McDonalds. The informative discussions reflected the views of the panellists in their commitment to encouraging women into workplaces and lead in business matters, where they continue to be under represented and those of Boddy Matthews Solicitors and the mission of EWIF. It was an educational and inspiring event shared with likeminded people.