You should always consider taking advice before negotiating a new contract, if you are thinking of moving on or if your employment is terminated. We can ensure that your best interests are protected and give you strategic advice on handling different situations that may arise with your employer.

We act for employers and employees in all types of employment disputes. As we have experience of acting for both parties we are able to provide a balanced view of how the law operates in practice and how to get results. It can seem a bit daunting but it is worth remembering that most disputes between employers and employees are settled without having to go to a tribunal or court.

Settlement Agreements

If your employment is terminated under a settlement agreement, you have to take independent legal advice for the agreement to be valid and binding. As a consequence, your employer is likely to offer to pay a contribution towards the legal costs you incur in taking that advice. In some cases, your employer will (or can be persuaded to) pay those costs in full and provide you with funds for outplacement support.

We regularly advise both employers and employees on settlement agreements. They can provide a mechanism for a swift exit from the business circumventing formal procedures.

Using a settlement agreement prevents possible future complaints to a tribunal and can be useful for example in a redundancy situation.

Contact Us

For further information please call us on +44 (0) 1737 339838 or email us at